Panasonic AG-HPX250EN User Manual

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M0811HO0 -FJ
VQT3T24A (E)
Operating Instructions
Memory Card Camera-Recorder
Model No. AG-HPX250P
Note that Operation Instructions Vol. 2 describes advanced
operations of the Memory Card Camera-Recorder.
For instructions on basic operations of the Memory Card
Camera-Recorder, refer to Operating Instructions Vol. 1 (printed
documents) contained in the supplied CD-ROM.
Before operating this product, please read the instructions carefully and
save this manual for future use.
This product is eligible for the P2HD
5 Year Warranty Repair Program.
For details, see page 8 of Vol. 1.
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - AG-HPX250EN

ShootingPlaybackEditingDisplaysMenuReferenceM0811HO0 -FJ ENGLISHVQT3T24A (E) Operating Instructions Vol.2Memory Card Camera-RecorderModel No. AG-HPX25

Page 2 - References

10Basic shooting operationsPreparing to shoot1 Set the POWER/MODE switch to ON. (Page25ofVol.1)2 Push the OPEN lever of the P2 card slot cover d

Page 3 - Contents

100Clip skip1 Press  (pause) during playback to set the unit to the pause mode.2 Push the Operation lever in the  (rewind) or  (fast-forward) dir

Page 4

101EditingConnecting external unitsHeadphones3.5-mm stereo mini jack•Soundisnolongerheardfromthespeakerwhentheheadphonesareconnected.Exte

Page 5

102Connecting external units (continued)Personal computer (non-linear editing/le transfer)File transfer/nonlinear editingPersonal ComputerUSB cable (

Page 6 - Viewnder

103EditingDigital video equipment (Dubbing)1394 cable (optional)Other Digital video equipment6-pinBNC cable (optional)Connect one of these cables to t

Page 7 - 2 Open the LCD monitor

104TV/Monitor (playback/dubbing)BNC cable (optional)HDMI cable (optional)Video pin cable (optional)Audio pin cable (optional)White: CH1 (left channel)

Page 8 - Viewnder (continued)

105EditingConnections to the DVCPRO/DV connectorRecording signals input to the DVCPRO/DV connector1 Connect a 1394 cable (DV cable).•“Precautionsin

Page 9 - Tally lamp

106Connections to the DVCPRO/DV connector (continued)Subcode area time codes and user bits•WheninputfromtheIEEE1394interfaceisselectedandthe

Page 10 - Basic shooting operations

107Editing• External devices cannot be controlled via 1394 connection when AVC-Intra format or DVCPRO HD native recording is selected.• Backup recordi

Page 11 - Shooting


Page 12 - P2 card access lamps

109EditingNonlinear editing with P2 card (PC mode: USB device)AUSB2.0connectiontoacomputerorotherdeviceallowsyoutouseP2cardsinthecam

Page 13 - 3 Press the MENU button


Page 14 - P2 card recording times


Page 15 - 4 Remove the P2 card

111EditingUsing a hard disk drive (PC mode: USB host)Inthismode,itispossibletoconnecttoaharddiskdrive(HDD),storecarddata(EXPORT):Ref

Page 16 - Using SD/SDHC memory cards

112Using a hard disk drive (PC mode: USB host) (continued)Using the USB HOST modeUsable hard disk drives•HarddiskdrivesconnectableviaUSB2.0•Th

Page 17

113Editing1. PARTITIONThissectionindicatesthetypeoftheharddiskdrive.Theavailablefunctionsdependonthetypeofharddiskdrive.HDD type Fe

Page 18 - Using the zoom function

114Using a hard disk drive (PC mode: USB host) (continued)11. VERIFYThissectionindicatesthevericationsettingandresultsatthetimethedataon

Page 19 - Digital zoom function

115EditingWriting data on a hard disk drive1 Switch the mode to USB HOST.•“SwitchingtotheUSBHOSTmode”(Page111)•Thethumbnailscreenisdispl

Page 20 - Shooting in progressive mode

116Using a hard disk drive (PC mode: USB host) (continued)Writing data back to P2 cardsSelecting clips on the hard disk driveYoucanselectclipsont

Page 21 - Native VFR recording

117EditingDirection for using a hard disk drive•Aharddiskdrive(includingtheP2STORE(AJ-PCS060G))mustbeusedunderthefollowingconditions:

Page 22 - (pulldown recording)

118Using a hard disk drive (PC mode: USB host) (continued)MISSING CLIP!AshotmarkwillbeaddedtotheclipsrecordedonmultipleP2cardswhenallP

Page 23

119EditingLACK OF CAPACITY!Notenoughspaceleftontheharddisk.Thereisnotenoughspaceontheconnectedharddisk.Useanewharddiskorformatt

Page 24

12P2 card access lamps CAMERA/PB/PC (USB HOST) modeLights green:Datacanbesavedontothecardsorloadedfromthem.Blinks green (slow):Noavailable

Page 25 - Undercranking effects

120Screen displaysViewnder screen status displaysInadditiontovideo,theviewnderorLCDmonitorshowsmessagesindicatingcamera-recordersetting

Page 26 - Overcranking effects

121DisplaysScreen displaysT C 1 2 : 3 4 : 5 6 : 2 3 1 12 9 9 9 minP 2F U L L P - P A U S 1 - C L I PE U S E R - 1139460D 5F B C1 0 8 0 iAVC-I100P 3 .2

Page 27 - Flow effect shooting

1222 WarningsREMOTE:Flasheswhendevicesettingsofwirelessremotecontrolaredifferent.P2 :BlinkswhennoP2cardisinsertedorthecardiswrite

Page 28 - Shooting in manual mode

123Displays12 Audio level meter display(Only for AG-HPX250P)CH 1-20dB 0dBCH 2-12dB(Only for AG-HPX250EN)CH 1-18dB 0dBCH 2-12dBByassigningMAGA.LVL

Page 29 - EXPANDED

12426 Image stabilization displayThisisdisplayedwhentheOISbuttonispressedandimagestabilizationisactivated.27 Scene le name displayIndi

Page 30 - Adjusting the gain

125Displays33 Recording and playbackREC : RecordingPAUSE : Recordingstandby : Playbackpause : Play ( ) :Slowplay(Reverseslowplay) (

Page 31 - Light intensity adjustments

126Errors and warningsErrorsandwarningsappearwhensomethinggoeswrongwiththecamera-recorderoraP2cardmalfunctions.Iftheproblemcannotb

Page 32 - Adjusting the white balance

127DisplaysTEMPORARY PAUSEIRREGULAR FRM SIG: ThismessageindicatesthattheinputGENLOCKreferencesignalisirregularandthatrecordinghasbeenp

Page 33

128Screen displays (continued)SHUTTER 1/**** (OFF)Displayedwhentheshutterspeedischanged.SPOT LIGHTDisplayedduringiriscontrolwhenbacklight

Page 34 - Adjusting the black balance

129DisplaysNo DisplaysDisplays that MODE CHECK brings up √Displays that DISPLAY OFF clears √Displays opened or hidden by settings in the OTHER DISPLAY

Page 35 - Self-portrait shooting

13ShootingFormatting P2 cards1 Set the POWER/MODE switch to ON. (Page25ofVol.1)2 Turn the POWER/MODE switch to set to PB/THUMBNAIL mode (PB/THUM

Page 36 - Safety zone markers

130No DisplaysDisplays that MODE CHECK brings up √Displays that DISPLAY OFF clears √Displays opened or hidden by settings in the OTHER DISPLAY option

Page 37 - Optical Image Stabilizer

131DisplaysMODE CHECK indicationMODECHECKprovidesanalmostcompletesetofcamera-recorderinformation.Items1to3belowareprovidedonlybyMODE

Page 38 - FBC operation enabled mode

132Item Setting NotesLOAD/SAVE/INIT Loads,savesandinitializessettingsofthesceneleassignedtothecurrentscenedialposition(oneF1–F6sc

Page 39 - Selectable Functions

133MenuItem Setting NotesDETAIL CORINGAdjuststhelevelofnoisereductionofthedetailsignal.– 7 …0 *1… +7•Adjusttowards–foraclearerimage.N

Page 40 - Backup recording

134Item Setting NotesKNEESetsthecompressionlevel(kneepoint)ofthehighbrightnessvideosignalsreceivedthroughtheMOSsensortoavoidoverexp

Page 41 - Shot mark function

135MenuItem Setting NotesSYSTEM MODESpeciesthesignalformatusedbythiscamera-recorder.1080-59.94i, 1080-50i, 720-59.94P, 720-50P, 480-59.94i, 57

Page 42 - LAST CLIP DELETE function

136SYSTEM SETUP screen (continued)Item Setting NotesREC FORMAT (continued) WhenSYSTEMMODEis720-59.94PAVC-I100/60P, AVC-I100/30PN, AVC-I100/24PN:U

Page 43 - Using special recording modes

137MenuSYSTEM SETUP screen (continued)Item Setting NotesASPECT CONVSelectstheaspectratioforrecordingat480i,576i.SIDE CROP:Cropstherightand

Page 44 - Pre-recording (PRE REC)

138SW MODE screenItem Setting NotesLOW GAINSetsthegainvalueassignedtotheLpositionoftheGAINswitch.0dB, 3dB, 6dB, 9dB, 12dB, 15dB, 18dB•Fix

Page 45

139MenuSW MODE screen (continued)Item Setting NotesUSER MAINSetsthefunctionassignedtotheUSERMAINbutton.SPOTLIGHT, BACKLIGHT, ATW, ATWLOCK, S.G

Page 46 - Loop recording (LOOP REC)

14Splitting clips recorded on P2 cardsThiscamera-recorderwillautomaticallygenerateadditionalclipsforacontinuousrecordingonan8GBorhighe

Page 47

140AUTO SW screenItem Setting NotesA.IRISON:Performstheautoiriscontrolinautomode.TheIRISbuttonisdeactivated.OFF:Deactivatestheautoiris

Page 48

141MenuItem Setting NotesREC FUNCTIONSetsspecialrecordingmodes.NORMAL:Thespecialrecordingmodesarenotused.INTERVAL:Setsintervalrecording.ONE

Page 49 - Adjusting the shutter speed

142RECORDING SETUP screen (continued)Item Setting NotesTC PRESET Setstheinitialtimecode.•Settheframevalueto0ormultiplesof5whenshooting

Page 50 - Setting SYNCHRO SCAN mode

143MenuAUDIO SETUP screenItem Setting NotesLIMITER CH1SetstheCH1limiter.ON, OFF•WhentheAUDIOAUTO/MANUCH1switchissettoAUTOandautoadjust

Page 51 - Setting FRAME RATE mode

144Item Setting NotesINT MICDetermineswhetherornotinputfromtheinternalmicrophoneisusedduringrecording.ON:Usesinternalmicrophoneinput.OF

Page 52 - Switching audio input

145MenuOUTPUT SEL screenItem Setting NotesSDI & HDMI SELECTSetsthetypeforthesignalformatoutputfromtheSDIOUTandHDMIOUTterminals.1080

Page 53 - CH2 switch

146Item Setting NotesTC OUTSetsthetimecodetypeoutputwhenTCIN/OUTconnectorisconnectedasTCOUT.TCG:Outputsthetimecodegeneratorvalueof

Page 54 - Adjusting the recording level

147MenuItem Setting NotesEVF PEAK LEVELAdjuststhepeakingleveloftheviewnderandtheLCDmonitor.– 7…0…+ 7EVF PEAK FREQAdjuststhepeakingfreque

Page 55 - CH3 and CH4 recording levels

148Item Setting NotesSAFETY ZONE SetsthesafetyzonedisplayedintheviewnderandontheLCDmonitor.•HD(1080i,720P)90%4 : 32 : 114 : 91.85 : 12

Page 56 - Changing scene le settings

149MenuItem Setting NotesZOOM·FOCUSSelectstheunitofzoomandfocusvalues.OFF, NUMBER, mm/feet, mm/m<Note>Usethemm/feetormm/mdisplayonl

Page 57

15ShootingRemove the P2 card1 Push the OPEN lever of the P2 card slot cover downward () and slide to open ().2 Check that the P2 card access lamp

Page 58

150CARD FUNCTIONS screenItem Setting NotesSCENE FILE Reads/writesscenelesfrom/ontotheSDmemorycard.FILE SELECT:Selectssceneles(1–4).READ:

Page 59

151MenuOTHER FUNCTIONS screenItem Setting NotesUSER FILE Savesuserlestocamera-recordermemory,loadsthemintocamera-recordermemoryorinitiali

Page 60

152OTHER FUNCTIONS screen (continued)Item Setting NotesTIME ZONEAddstoordeductsfromGMTthetimevalueof-12:00to+13:00in30-minutesteps.(As

Page 61 - Using time data

153MenuDIAGNOSTIC screenItem Setting NotesVERSION Indicatestheversionofthermwareusedinthiscamera-recorder.Asubscreenprovidesdetailsonwh

Page 62 - Using time data (continued)

154OPTION MENU screenOpenthismenubyholdingdowntheDISP/MODECHKbuttonandwhenshootingstatusappearspressthefrontMENUbutton.•Usethisf

Page 63 - Entering the user bits

155ReferenceBefore calling for servicePower supplyThere’snopower.•MakesurethebatteryandACadaptorareconnectedproperly.Checktheconnection

Page 64

156Before calling for service (continued)ShootingCannotshooteventhoughtheP2cardisinsertedcorrectly.•MakesuretheP2card’swrite-protectsw

Page 65 - 25P over 50P (2:2)


Page 66 - 00 h 00 m 00 s 00

158Updating the rmware incorporated into the unitChecking the current version of the rmware using the unit and performing the updateCheckrmwareve


159ReferenceCleaningWhen cleaning, do not use benzene or thinner.•Usingbenzineorpaintthinnersmaydeformthecamera-recorderand/orcausethesur

Page 68


Page 69

160Storage precautionsBeforestoringthecamera-recorder,removethebattery.Storealloftheseitemsinaplacewithlowhumidityandrelativelycons

Page 70

161ReferenceHow to handle data recorded on P2 cardsTheP2cardisasemiconductormemorycardthatisusedastherecordingmediumintheprofessional

Page 71

162Checkpoints for using memory cards<Cautions in using SD memory cards>•Use the unit by inserting an SD memory card that is compliant with the

Page 72

163ReferenceInformation on software for this product1. IncludedwiththisproductissoftwarelicensedundertheGNUGeneralPublicLicense(GPL)an

Page 73

164Recording format listSYSTEM MODEREC FORMATShooting/recording frame modeCodec Frame mode VFR OFF VFR ON1080-59.94iAVC-I100AVC-I5060i 60i 1Pto30P*1

Page 74 - Basic playback operations

165ReferenceIndexNumericMENU 25MRECCHSEL... 143MENU 1394AUDIOOUT... 144MENU 1

Page 75 - Thumbnail operations

166Index (continued)MENU GLPHASE... 152HMENU HANDLEZOOM... 138Headp

Page 76

167ReferenceMENU RECSIGNAL... 135Remainingbatterycharge... 124MENU REMOTE...

Page 77 - Thumbnail screen

168MENU VIDEOOUTZEBRA... 145ViewnderStatusindication... 120Using...

Page 78


Page 79 - Selecting thumbnails

17ShootingCautions in using SD memory cardsSDmemorycardsusedwiththeAG-HPX250P/ENshouldconformtoSDorSDHCstandards.Besuretoformatcards

Page 81 - Changing thumbnails

18Using the zoom functionThiscamera-recorderhasa22xopticalzoomfunction.Zoomwiththezoomleverorthezoomring.Zoom lever (handle side)Zoom

Page 82 - Adding a text memo

19ShootingDigital zoom functionAssigntheD.ZOOMfunctiontoUSERMAINoranyoftheUSER1–4buttonstoenableuseofthedigitalzoom.(Page39)Ea

Page 83 - Deleting a text memo


Page 84 - Deleting clips

20Shooting in progressive mode•In 24P/24PA, 24PN (native recording) and in 30PN/25PN (native recording) at 720P, the camera starts recording in 5-fra

Page 85 - Restoring clips

21ShootingRecording with Variable Frame Rate (VFR)In1080iand720Pmode,thisunitcanshootusingframeskipping(undercranking)andhighspeedrec

Page 86 - Copying clips

22Standard VFR recording (pulldown recording)1 In 1080i or 720P mode, set REC FORMAT on the setting menu SYSTEM SETUP screen to AVC-I 100/60i (60P) (

Page 87 - (metadata upload)

23ShootingUsing progressive mode and VFR recording functionStandard speed for lm productionScreenproductionnormallyrequiresa24fps(24framespe

Page 88 - Clip meta data items

24Recording with Variable Frame Rate (VFR) (continued)Shooting at standard speed for producing commercials and TV programsWhenproducingvideosfordi

Page 89 - Checking and modifying read

25ShootingUndercranking effectsThiseffectproducesthequickmotionoftenusedforshowingcloudsdriftingacrossthesky,crowdsofpeopleswarming

Page 90 - Selecting the USER CLIP NAME

26Recording with Variable Frame Rate (VFR) (continued)Overcranking effectsOvercrankingproducesslow-motionplayback,whichisfrequentlyusedinclim

Page 91 - Formatting a P2 card

27ShootingFlow effect shootingThiswayofshootingprovidesaoweffectandmay,forinstance,beusedtoshootasubjectonafarsideofaroadwit

Page 92 - Formatting SD memory cards

28Shooting in manual modeTemporarily switching to auto focusEvenifyouhaveswitchedFOCUStoM(MANUAL)thecamera-recorderwillfocusautomatically

Page 93 - Clip property

29ShootingUsing focus assist functionPressingtheFOCUSASSISTbuttonmagniestheimageatthecentertofacilitatefocusing.SetthemenuoptionFOCU

Page 94 - 4 Press OK on the keyboard

3ContentsVolume1Read this first! (For AG-HPX250P)Read this first! (For AG-HPX250EN)Read this first! (For AG-HPX250P/ AG-HPX250EN)Outline of operation

Page 95 - P2 card status display

30Shooting in manual mode (continued)Iris adjustmentsIRIS ringIRIS button1 If the camera-recorder is in auto mode, use the AUTO/MANUAL switch to swit

Page 96

31ShootingUsing super gainYoucanincreasethegainlevelfurtherwhenshootingindarkspace.SetSUPERGAINonthesettingmenuSWMODEscreento24

Page 97

321 Set the GAIN and WHITE BAL switches.•FortheWHITEBALswitch,selectAorBasapositiontosavetheadjustmentvalue.2 Adjust the ND FILTER

Page 98 - SD memory card status display

33Shooting7 The adjustment will take effect in a few seconds, and the following message will appear:•Theadjustedvalueisautomaticallystoredint

Page 99 - Useful playback functions

34Adjusting the black balanceTheblackbalancemustbeadjustedwhen:•YouuseyourAG-HPX250P/ENthersttime.•YourAG-HPX250P/ENhasnotbeenused

Page 100 - Checking the date and time

35ShootingShooting techniques for different targetsScan reverse shootingBysettingSCANREVERSEonthesettingmenuSYSTEMSETUPscreentoON,videoc

Page 101 - Connecting external units

36Center marker displayAcentermarkerisdisplayedwhenthemenuoptionMARKERintheDISPLAYSETUPscreenissettoON.(Page147)The center marker

Page 102

37ShootingChanging the image sizeWhenrecordingin480i/576imode,youcanchangethesize(aspectratio)oftheimagesthatyourecord.Selecttheasp

Page 103

38Shooting techniques for different targets (continued)FBC (Flash Band Compensation)Thiscamera-recordercomeswithafunctiontocompensateforandm

Page 104 - TV/Monitor (playback/dubbing)

39ShootingUsing the USER buttonsYoucanallocatetheselectedfunctiontoUSERMAINandUSERbuttons1to4.USER MAIN butonUSER1 – 3 butonUSER4 butonS

Page 105 - DVCPRO/DV connector

4Contents (continued)ShootingViewnder ... 6Usingtheviewnder...

Page 106 - 1394 connection

40Shooting techniques for different targets (continued)Backlight compensationPresstheUSERbuttonyouhaveallocatedtotheBACKLIGHTfeaturewhensh

Page 107 - 6-pin type 4-pin type

41Shooting2-slot continuous recordingIfyouinserttwoP2cardsintothetwocardslots,thisfunctionallowsyoutorecordcontinuouslyonthetwoca

Page 108

42Text memo recordingThisfunctionaddstextmemosatthevideopointsontheclipnowbeingrecordedorplayedback.WhenyoupresstheUSERbuttonto


43ShootingUsing special recording modesDuringP2cardrecording,thefollowingspecialrecordingmodescanbeenabledfromtheRECORDINGSETUPscreen:

Page 110 - (Viewnderdisplay)

44Pre-recording (PRE REC)Thisfunctionisusedtostartrecordingacertainnumberofseconds(approx.3secondsforHDrecordingsorapprox.7second

Page 111

45Shooting•The pre-recording and one-clip recording functions are not available.•Sound is not recorded.•Data recorded (until the stop recording) in

Page 112 - Using the USB HOST mode

46Loop recording (LOOP REC)•WhentwoP2cardsareinsertedintheP2cardslots,eachcardisrecordedinsuccession.•Whenthereisnolongeranysp

Page 113

47ShootingOne-clip recording (ONE CLIP REC)Insteadofcreatinganewclipforeachrecordingsession(i.e.,operationfromRECstarttostop),thismo

Page 114 - Formatting a hard disk drive

48Precautions for one-clip recording mode•Thismodewillnotfunctionwhentheintervalrecording,one-shotrecording,looprecording,orVFRrecordi

Page 115 - 5 Select YES

49ShootingAdjusting the shutter speedSetting SHUTTER mode1 Push DIAL SEL to select SHUTTER mode. 2 Push the SHTR/F.RATE dial.•TheSHUTTERmodechan

Page 116 - Writing data back to P2 cards

5Nonlinear editing with P2 card (PC mode: USB device) ... 109Proceduresformakingconnections

Page 117

50Ifallmodesandspeedsareavailable,thedisplaychangesinthefollowingorder: When SYSTEM MODE is set to 1080-59.94i, 720-59.94P, 480-59.94iFo

Page 118

51ShootingSetting FRAME RATE mode1 Press DIAL SEL button to select FRAME RATE function.WhenVFRisON,theframerateindicatorontheviewnderand

Page 119

52Switching audio inputINPUT1 switch (MIC POWER +48V)INPUT1 LINE/MIC switchINPUT2 LINE/MIC switchINPUT2 switch (MIC POWER +48V)AUDIO CH2 SELECT swit

Page 120 - Screen displays

53ShootingUsing another microphone and audio equipment1 Connect an external microphone or audio equipment to the AUDIO INPUT 1/2 (XLR, 3 pin) termina

Page 121

54Adjusting the recording levelAUDIO LEVEL knob (CH1, CH2)AUDIO AUTO/MANU CH1, CH2 switchUsetheAUDIOLEVELknobtoadjusttherecordinglevelofthe

Page 122 - Screen displays (continued)

55Shooting(Only for AG-HPX250EN)T C 1 2 : 3 4 : 5 6 : 2 3 1 12 9 9 9 minP 2FU L L P - P A U S E 1 - C L I P U S E R - 11394601 0 8 0 iAVC-I 100P 3.2K

Page 123 - -18dB 0dB

56Using scene les (Scene File Data)Changing scene le settings Example 1: Change the name of the scene le.1 Turn the scene le dial, then select t

Page 124


Page 125 - Center information display

58Using scene les (Scene File Data) (continued)Saving scene les and other settings on SD memory cardsYoucansaveuptofourscenelesettingsoro

Page 126

59ShootingTo title a le1 Performsteps1to5.2 Setthelenamewith8charactersbyusingOperationlever.•▲ ▼:Charactershift◄►:Charactersel

Page 127 - (in alphabetical order)


Page 128

60Conguration of setup data lesThiscameramakesitpossibletosaveasceneletoeachoftheF1toF6positionsontheSCENEFILEdial.Useofan

Page 129 - (Continuedonthenextpage)

61ShootingUsing time dataTime data overview Time codeUsetheTCGswitchtoselectRecRunorFreeRunmode.(Page141)FREE RUN:Thetimecodeadvances

Page 130

62Using time data (continued) Date (real time)•Thebuilt-inclockcalculatestheyear,month,dayandtimefromtheinternalclocktodisplayonvid

Page 131 - MODE CHECK indication

63ShootingEntering the user bitsTheuserbitsallowinformation,includingmemosthatuseuptoeight-digithexadecimalnumbers(dateandtime),tobe

Page 132 - Setup menu list

64Using time data (continued)Frame rate information recorded in user bitsTheframeratevalueofvideodatacapturedandrecordedataframerateset

Page 133 - SCENE FILE screen (continued)

65Shooting720P modeFrame rate: 24P over 60P (2:3) Updatedframe02 2500 01 03 04 05 06 23 24 26 27 28 29A A B B B C C CD D D D A A B B B C C D D DD D

Page 134 - Setup menu list (continued)

66Using time data (continued)Setting the time code1 Switch the menu option TC MODE and TCG on the RECORDING SETUP screen to set the mode of the time

Page 135 - SYSTEM SETUP screen

67ShootingExternally locking the time codeThetimecodegeneratorbuiltintoyourAG-HPX250P/ENmaybelockedtoanexternalgenerator.Itisalsopos

Page 136

68Using time data (continued)To externally lock the time codeFollowthestepsbelow.1 Turn the POWER/MODE switch to ON.2 Set TCG on the setting menu

Page 137

69ShootingGENLOCK and time code input/output connection and setupCamera-recorder operating conditionsCamera-recorder setupGENLOCK input and camera-rec

Page 138

7ShootingUsing the LCD monitor1 Set the POWER/MODE switch to ON.(Page25ofVol.1)2 Open the LCD monitor.•Itcanopenoutto90degrees.Donottr

Page 139 - SW MODE screen (continued)

70Using time data (continued)Outputting the time code externallyTooutputtimecodefromthecamera-recorder’sTCOUTconnectortoaVTRorotherreco

Page 140

71ShootingRecording time codes and user bitsWhen SYSTEM MODE is set to 1080-59.94i, 720-59.94P, 480-59.94iSystem setting status Recorded TC Output TCD

Page 141 - RECORDING SETUP screen

72Using time data (continued)System setting status Recorded TC Output TCDisplayed TCRecorded UB Output UBSYSTEM MODEREC SIGNALREC FORMATCAMERA MODEFRA

Page 142

73ShootingWhen SYSTEM MODE is set to 1080-50i, 720-50P, 573-50iSystem setting status Recorded TC Output TCDisplayed TCRecorded UB Output UBSYSTEM MODE

Page 143 - AUDIO SETUP screen

74Basic playback operationsLock release buttonMode lamp (PB/THUMBNAIL)POWER/MODE switch1 Turn the POWER/MODE switch to ON.Whileholdingdownthelock

Page 144

75PlaybackThumbnail operationsAclipisadatagroupthatincludestheimagesandvoicescreatedfromoneshootingsession,togetherwithadditionali

Page 145 - OUTPUT SEL screen

76Thumbnail manipulations overviewThumbnailscreensareconguredasfollows:THUMBNAIL OPERATION PROPERTYALL CLIP DELETE CLIP PROPERTYSAME FORMAT CLIP

Page 146

77PlaybackThumbnail screenThethumbnailscreenisdisplayedontheLCDmonitorwhenyouturnthePOWER/MODEswitchdownwardandswitchtoPB/THUMBNAIL

Page 147 - DISPLAY SETUP screen

782. Slot numbers and HDD statusThissectionindicatesonwhichP2cardthepointedclipisrecorded.Thenumberoftheslotthatcontainstheappropr

Page 148

79PlaybackPlaying back clips1 Turn the POWER/MODE switch to set to PB/THUMBNAIL mode. ThethumbnailscreenappearsontheLCDmonitor.2 Push the Ope

Page 149

8Adjusting the screen display1 Set the POWER/MODE switch to ON.(Page25ofVol.1)2 Press the MENU button.•Fordetailsonmenuoperation,referto

Page 150

80Switching the thumbnail displayThedisplaycanbeswitchedsothatonlythoseclipsmatchingthespeciedconditionsaredisplayedinthethumbnail

Page 151 - OTHER FUNCTIONS screen

81PlaybackDisplay clip properties by selecting PROPERTY → CLIP PROPERTY on the thumbnail menu to conrm the position of the thumbnail (the number of f

Page 152

82Shot markAshotmarkcanbeaddedtoaclipthumbnailtodistinguishthisclipfromtheothers.1 Turn the POWER/MODE switch to set to PB/THUMBNAIL

Page 153 - DIAGNOSTIC screen

83Playback4 With the pointer at the bottom, push the Operation lever in the ◄ ► direction and position it on the text memo number you wish to play ba

Page 154

84Using a text memo to break a clip and copy the necessary portion1 Select a desired text memo in a clip by carrying out steps 1-3 for “Playing back

Page 155 - Before calling for service

85PlaybackReconnection of incomplete clipsIncompleteclipsmaybegeneratedwhenclipsrecordedonmultipleP2cards(connectedclips)areseparately

Page 156 - Displays

86Copying clipsSelectedclipscanbecopiedtotheP2cardorSDmemorycardinthedesiredslot.1 Turn the POWER/MODE switch to set to PB/THUMBNAIL

Page 157 - Playback

87PlaybackSetting of clip meta dataInformationsuchasthenameofpersonwhoshotthevideo,thenameofthereporter,theshootinglocation,orate

Page 158

88Clip meta data itemsClipMetaDataincludesthefollowingitems:UnderlineditemscanbesetbyreadingthemetadatauploadleontheSDmemorycar

Page 159 - Cleaning

89Playback*1: TheUSERCLIPNAMErecordingmethodisselectable.Fordetails,referto“SelectingtheUSERCLIPNAMErecordingmethod”(Page90).*2:

Page 160 - Storage precautions

9ShootingTally lampTally lamp (Front)Tally lamp (Rear)ThetallylampcanbeilluminatedduringrecordingbysettingtheTALLYLAMPitemontheOTHERF

Page 161 - Reference


Page 162

91PlaybackExample of recording (DVCPRO HD) a clip on one P2 card:Recording pauseREC startRecordingduration=Approx.7min.Clip1COUNTvalue=0001Cli

Page 163

92Formatting SD memory cardsSDmemorycardscanalsobeformattedfromthethumbnailscreen.WithanSDmemorycardinsertedintothecamera-recorder,

Page 164 - Recording format list

93PlaybackDATA DISPLAY:ThetimedisplayeldoftheclipoffersachoiceofTimeCode(TC),UserBits(UB),ShootingTime(TIME),ShootingDate(DATE)

Page 165

944. Clip InformationDisplaysdetailedinformationabouttheclip.CLIP NAME:Displayclipnames.START TC:Thetimecodevalueatthestartoftherecord

Page 166 - Index (continued)

95Playback• Deleting only the respective items of LOCATION (recording location data) in SHOOT is not possible. By setting ALTITUDE to empty, other LON

Page 167

96Contents of P2 card status display settingsFromthethumbnailmenu,selectPROPERTY→CARDSTATUS.Thefollowingscreenappears.When “REMAIN” is sel

Page 168

97PlaybackWhen “USED” is selected:3541 21. Write-protect MarkThemarkappearsiftheP2cardiswrite-protected.2. P2 Card Status (used memory capaci

Page 169

98SD memory card status displayThestatusdisplayenablesaconrmationoftheSDmemorycardformattedcondition,availablememorycapacityetc.From

Page 170

99PlaybackUseful playback functionsVariable speed searchThisfunctionenablesyoutochangetheplaybackspeedandsearchforspecicscenes.1 Press

Related models: AG-HPX250P

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